Join the Pittsburgh Paralegal Association for a CLE on March 19, 2025
Pennsylvania Notary Public Information Session
1.0 Substantive CLE Credit
via Zoom
presented by William Labkoff, Esquire
What is a Notary Public? Is it advantageous for a paralegal to be a notary? How do I become a notary? What does a notary do?
All these questions and more will be answered on Wednesday, March 19, 2024 at noon when William Labkoff, Esquire of Notaries Equipment Company will be presenting a Pennsylvania Notary Public Informational Session.
The link to participate virtually will be sent after registration.
As always, this event is free for all PPA members! Non-members can attend for for small fee of $10.00.
Join the Pittsburgh Paralegal Association for a CLE on July 16, 2025
Electronic Era Ethics
1.0 Ethics Credit
via Zoom
presented by Tom Spahn, Esq.
This interactive program uses hypotheticals to highlight the dramatic effect email, texts and other electronic communications have had on lawyers’ ethics duties. The program generally follows the lifespan of an attorney-client relationship, including: creation of the relationship (such as the effect of an unsolicited email from a would-be client); the ethical propriety of electronic communications with clients (especially lawyers who practice “virtually”); communications with adversaries (including “reply all” emails, lawyers’ response to inadvertently transmitted communications, and metadata); dealing with third parties (such as service providers and outsourced colleagues); discovery (such as accessing adverse witnesses’ social media); jurors’ research and communications; judges’ research and “friending” of lawyers; attorney-client relationships’ termination.
PPA members may attend for FREE.
The fee for non-members is now $20.00.